
Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekend on the ATV Trails

We spent this past weekend a few hours north of our house, staying at a cabin with friends, enjoying the beautiful fall colors and riding on the ATV trails.  Because there was no school on Friday, it was a 3-day weekend which helped us to unwind a bit more.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect with fall colors at near peak.
fall colors on atv trails

I wished I could have brought my nice camera along to attempt to do justice to the colors but there was to much dust.  And of course we found plenty of mud.
mud puddle splash
At one stop on the trail, the kiddos had granola bars for a snack and while our kiddo was munching away on his granola bar his first loose tooth fell out :)  Of course that meant that the tooth fairy had to find us at the cabin but it all worked out.
tooth fairy visit after atv trails

Two days of riding ATV trails, yummy meals shared with friends, enjoying the pool after Sunday brunch, enjoying God's creation with a bit of adrenaline thrown in for good measure, mud, laughter and creating memories as a family-- priceless. 
family fall atv trip

We had a wonderful weekend away but yet so good to be back home on the gravelly road.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First Fall Leaves

I know its only September but one of our big trees has started loosing leaves so when our kiddo asked if we could rake some leaves to make a pile to jump in, I was happy to comply -- camera in hand of course.

jumping in a leaf pile

I'm finding I need to be so much more intentional about what we do in the evenings.  After being gone all day, he's so tired that we usually don't go anywhere after school (park, friends' house, etc) yet I want to make the most of the few hours we have together.  Fun in the backyard after supper fits that nicely.

So we are celebrating fall with fun in the leaves here on the gravelly road.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Campfire ghost stories

Perfect fall weather this weekend for backyard campfires -- cool with no wind.  Of course there were a few ghost stories as well.  I love the look he's giving Dad.... and the fashion choices -- pjs, hat, sweatshirt and mom's gloves,

backyard bonfire

Enjoying Life on the Gravelly Road.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School 2014

I can't believe he's in Kindergarten!  He was ready but nervous this morning... He bravely walked from the crosswalk all the way to his classroom by himself.  I'm expecting a very tired boy this afternoon :)  Praying he has a wonderful first day, makes some great new friends (he only knew 2 kids in his class), and he knows so many people are praying for him on his first day.

first day

*** Added after the school day ****

Here's a few more pics... the top two are from open house/pre-conference events the end of August. The pic in the lower left his teacher sent this evening and the lower right is waiting at the cross-walk to go into school this morning.

From what I've heard, he had a great first day.  He was naming off friends he saw on the playground that he knew (but weren't in his class).  He told me at lunch they get CHOCOLATE milk and there are special colored bins in the classroom with different toys for each day of the week.  He was able to remember what book the teacher read the class but said he forgot that he had snack in his bag at snack time and ate half his sandwich at snack instead :)

Dear Father, 

Thank you again and again for allowing me to be the mom of this precious boy.  I am so honored and challenged daily.  He is growing up so fast it takes my breath away! 

I pray for an extra blessing over the kindergarten year ahead of him.  Watch over him this year as he spends more time at school than he ever has before.  Be there for him when I'm not.  Guide his words, actions and interactions so that he may be kind, compassionate and a positive leader in the classroom.

May his classroom be a place of learning, new friendships, good challenges, and opportunities to grow.  May his teacher have the extra special energy, leadership, and grace to keep this class of kindergartners engaged in learning and treating each other in positive ways as they get to know each other.

Grow him into the boy (and young man) you created him to be for your purposes and help me to be the parent I need to be for him for your glory. 
