
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday 2015 - post 3

We made it!  What a list of thankfulness this month.

Here are some of the items the 5 of us added to the chain in the last week: sounds of children playing together, snowflakes, handcuffs, Thanksgiving, holidays, Daddy home, yummy soup, brother pushing his siblings on the swings, weekends, babies, pancakes, quiet moments at the end of the day, books, trampoline, Sunday school, serving others with friends, birthday cake, breakfast, chocolate milk, turkey, clothes to wash, grandpas, local eggs and honey from friends, safe travel for a long weekend, visiting with family, playing in the snow.

We pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, taking some moments to consider the immensity of what each of us have to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving from us on the Gravelly Road.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful Thursdays 2015 - post 2

Thankfulness grows!

The kids are hoping we can get enough added to our chain to make it around the dinning area.  It amazing to watch the chain get longer each night.

Thankful items added to the chain in the last week from the 5 of us include (note there is always some humor required even when being thankful): mom and dad, Grandma's visit, applesauce, kids doing their best in school, toilets, underwear, a breakfast date, a new bed, food, a warm house on a rainy day, dolls, pet fish, crawfish named Pinchy (in our fish tank), a delicious meal from a friend, socks, the alphabet, games, an encouraging text, pjs...

Happy Thankful Thursday from our family on the Gravelly Road.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Serious Moment and Super Smiles

He is serious, thoughtful and then ridiculously goofy.  He gives the best knock-you-over hugs when I pick him up from school.  So thankful for this middle child of ours.

Just some backyard moments from our Life on the Gravelly Road.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thankful Thursdays 2015 - post 1

We already sailed into the second week of November without starting my usual Thankful Thursday posts.  As my attempt at garden posts shows, consistent blogging hasn't been my strong suit this year :)  Busy household indeed.  I've also started a photo editing class which I'm really enjoying but its so fun to just keep tweaking old fav photos, I have had less free time than usual (which even then is in short supply).  So I apologize.

That said, there is so much to recognize as blessings this year -- even the busyness of our household.  Again we've started our Thankful paper chain tradition and my does that chain grow quickly with 5 people adding to it instead of just 3.  I think it says something about the impact of sharing your thanks with a group -- it grows!

This pic is of our chain near our dinner table is from the end of last week (when I originally intended to post).

Items the kids have added to the chain include: Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles, Friends, Legos, House, Supper/food, school, brothers, plus a few other important people listed by name.

Here's some of my recorded thanks this week and last: Beautiful fall weather, Supper with all 5 of us together, Being cooked for, Time to reconnect with friends, MOPS, helpful kids, good reports from teachers of kids doing their best, sunshine coming in the windows, smells of cooking applesauce, safe travel, worshiping with our church family.

How do you encourage a spirit of Thankfulness in your home?

Happy Thankful Thursday from Life on the Gravelly Road.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween from the five of us here on the Gravelly Road.

The kids had a great Halloween week.  I helped carve pumpkins in Peaches preschool class.  Monday night we took the kids to a community Halloween party at Zman's preschool -- painting pumpkins, treats from local business, snacks, crafts and a glow in the dark room.

Of course all three kids had fall/Halloween parties during the week.  Then on Saturday we went the the fall festival at our church -  games, crafts, supper and even a movie.

So from our Spider, Superman/Mr Incredible and Bumblebee the Transformer - Happy Halloween.