
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

On Two Wheels

Ever since her brothers learned to ride without training wheels, she has been watching... wanting to ride on the gravel, through the grass, follow their bike tracks.

Saturday afternoon, while we were camping this weekend, she asked if she could try.  Middle child agreed to have dad lower his seat for her to try a bit (easier than removing and reinstalling training wheels).

She was so ready and proud.

A few trips back and forth with Dad.  A few more trips with Mom.  Then only a handful more and she had it down.

It was so fun to hear her brothers cheering her on and soon the campers around us were noticing her attempts.  They were sharing encouragements and celebrating too.  It was so much fun.  By the time Grandma and Grandpa came back to the campground from going out for supper, she had a whole new skill to show them.

So proud of our newest two-wheeled bike rider on the gravelly road.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Family Vacation 2016 (photo overload)

We got home Saturday from a long vacation with family. It was a week filled with laughter, memories, sight-seeing and fun experiences all around. Also more time in the car than we've ever attempted with our three but we survived quite well.

There was a ferry ride, dunes to climb, hikes (which always included walking-stick-finding), geo-caching, some shopping, fun restaurants, pool time, a children's museum, and a little time at a beach.  Hubby and I even got some time to explore a few breweries and enjoy some time just the two of us while the kids went on adventures with Grandpa and Grandma.  It was a great week.

Here a few of the many, many photos I took...

A wonderful vacation away from our gravelly road full of memories to treasure and experiences shared.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sunshine and Chalk

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last Days of School

Tomorrow marks the beginning of summer break for our kiddos and they are pretty excited.

Little sister's last day of preschool was actually last week, so of course we took "last day" pics (including a pic with her first day of school picture) and celebrated with ice cream.

Then this morning we took pics again as our boys marked their last day of preschool (kindergarten bound) and 1st grade.

Our oldest had forgotten how nervous he was to start first grade which was evident when we got out his first day of school photo.  So much has changed!

They were in a silly mood and the pictures reflect that which I love.

We are so thankful that they each had wonderful teachers who poured into them all year.  Each kid grew and learned and rose to new challenges.  We are so proud. I can barely believe we'll have a second grader, kindergartner and preschooler in the fall.

Let the summer fun begin on the gravelly road!