
Friday, November 18, 2016

Five Minute Friday: ENJOY

This week I'm again participating in Five Minute Fridays at Kate Motaung's blog, (after another long hiatus) encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This week's prompt: Enjoy


They woke up to news that brought cheers.

First snow day of the year.  A day wide open to enjoy, no school, no where to be with sleet and snow blowing loudly outside, with possible blizzard conditions.

Before 9 am they already had breakfast, made beds, got dressed, read books and now watching a tv show.  Next up snack, legos, drawing time, and games they say.  Plus hoping this afternoon includes time outside and hot cocoa.  Maybe some baking too.  Or a movie and popcorn.  Its hard not to have a long list when an unexpected "free" day like today comes around.

And while I'd like to make progress on my to-do list, I want to enjoy this day too.  Errands cancelled, no school drop offs and pick ups.  Just home with my three.  Comfy clothes, extra cup of coffee, a little extra time to read.

I want to slow down to make memories WITH them.  Be present in their day. Extra snuggles, books, silly play and projects.  Enjoy them.

Most of all, I don't want their list or my own to overshadow the fun, laughter, and living in the moment.  Enjoying this gift of a day together.

Maybe even enjoy this gift of November snow.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fall Smiles

Since snow is in the forecast for later this week, I went through some of my many fall pics and edited a few of my favorites of the kids during our beautifully long fall.  We've had amazing weather and completely spoiled by how much time we've been able to spend outside without heavy coats and hats.

Just some smiles and fall leaves here on the gravelly road before snow covers it all.