
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fall Camping 2017 (photo overload)

We spent the kids' long fall break camping, one last time.  It was our only fall camping trip this year and reminded us of all the things we love about fall camping: cooler temps, beautiful fall colors, and earlier sunsets that mean campfire fun can start earlier (with more reasonable bedtimes).

Because the campground was near where hubby and I grew up, it also meant the kids got to see both sets of grandparents and 2 sets of great grandparents.  We even got to visit with my in-laws at a local apple orchard which was a lot of fall fun as well (apples, bouncy houses, and hay bales).

Plus lots of hiking, games, yummy campfire food, and fall memories.  And now we are back home on the gravelly road, back into the school routine.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Zoo in the Fall

We enjoyed another day at the zoo, this time with my sister coming as well.  A beautiful fall day spent outside exploring and playing.  The kids really enjoyed the new kangaroo exhibit, plus all the play areas that are always a favorite.  We even made it to the bird show this time and ended our day going out to eat on our way home.

Loving our family fun and memories near our gravelly road.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Morning Jam and Favorite Songs

We are immersed into our fall school schedule and so many routines have fallen back into place from last spring.  One of my favs is that the kiddos "DJ" our ride to school each morning.  We have just about the right amount of time for them each to pick a song off my ipad for us to listen to during our drive.  Singing loudly or silly or thinking about some favorite lyrics are a great way to start our day.

These three songs have been common picks lately.  I'm always amazed how many of the lyrics they know even though one of them has been in rotation only for a few weeks.  What great words to hide in their hearts.  (And before you think its all serious heartfelt family worship time, many mornings the boys try to sing all the lyrics with the same beginning letter, making the first song something like "Wullet Wroof").

So here's sneak peek into our morning drive from our gravelly road to school.