
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Book Review: Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to BeGirl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by Rachel Hollis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I started Rachel Hollis's new book "Girl, Wash Your Face", I expected to like it. I'd already followed the author on social media so was familiar with her writing style, wit, message, and transparency. But this book was so much more than I expected.

With fierce honesty, Rachel debunks the lies that in the past have held her captive, stopped her short from being her best self, prevented her from reaching her goals and finding her life's purpose. But its more than that. She gives readers walk-beside-you advice and writes with a fire that spreads making the reader want to work past the own roadblocks and lies that are holding them back. It is a book that inspires and invigorates, shifts perspectives, and speaks truth.

Its not a book for just moms or just working ladies.  There are chapters that can speak to women in any walk of life.  In fact, I shared a bit of the book with my MOPS group earlier this month and had a hard time narrowing down which part to share.

Its worth the read.  Pretty sure I'll read this one a second time.

* I received an Advance Reader Copy from Harper Collins Christian Publishers.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Happy 9th Birthday Ike!

Happy 9th birthday to our oldest this weekend!

He has continued to grow and change -- its is amazing how much can happen in a single year and the impacts it all makes.  He enjoyed an evening of fun with a few close friends (cupcakes, Harry Potter silliness, pizza and bowling) and then had a Harry Potter cake with family a few days later.

So Ike, there are so many highlights of your year as an 8 year old, but here are a few according to mom:

* You loved the end of 2nd grade - enjoying your teacher, falling in love with chapter books, excelling at math, getting homework done and working hard to make friends.  Now you are rocking 3rd grade -- you admire your classroom and math teachers (and love that math is split up now and you get to be in the HARD math class), you've made some great friends this year, and are always doing your best.  You may not always love school (it takes away from lego and minecraft time) but you handle it all so well.  Your teachers always have positive things to say about you as a student and we are so proud of all your hard work.

* You've developed a love of reading which makes this momma's heart so happy.  This last year you have devoured so many wonderful books, some harder than others, but all with passion and love for the story... Puppy Place, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter series, Rangers Apprentice, etc.  Much of the time, I've been reading the series as well as you work through them.  It has led to some great conversations about the characters and challenges and bravery.  I love how excited you get about the stories, even it means I catch you reading by nightlight at 10pm sometimes.* Speaking of writing stories, your imagination is a big part of who you are. Whether its lego adventures or creations, pretend and costume play with your siblings, a brand new game you invented or the stories you write, your imagination and creativity impact our days. * You've continued to wrestle this year.  We have had some good discussions about which parts you enjoy and which parts you don't.  Sometimes its not your favorite thing but you work hard, don't give up and display good sportsmanship during meets which makes us proud.You enjoy finding out how something works and determined to learn new things.  You think big thoughts and ask big questions.  Whether its about something you heard at church, learned about at school or read about, you always seem to have big thoughts spinning in your head.  This generates some interesting discussions, questions and imaginative stories.  Keep asking questions and passionately seeking answers to your questions.  Keep dreaming up big plans.  God has given you a smart mind and keep using it.

* You are a good brother and you look out for your siblings.  All three of you are at the same school this year and  I love how you look out for your siblings.  You include them in games at home and are always excited to discuss your latest Minecraft ideas with them.  You enjoy reading to Peaches and Zman, especially the stories you write yourself.

Happy Birthday blessings!  Dad and I love you so much and pray your year as an 9 year old is full of new adventures, special memories together, lots of learning, and the experiences that will continue to mold you into the young man God intends for you to be someday.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018