
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Book Review: Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids

I have a different type of book review than normal today.  A kids joke book, specifically "Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids" by Sandy Silverthorne.  With three elementary school kids in our home, jokes are part of our day. We already have a collection of fun kids joke books yet this joke book by Sandy Silverthorne was a hit right away. 

As a mom, while I don't always enjoy listening to kids jokes, I love having clean kids joke books around as they encourage my readers to read out loud and figure out the words they don't know (you can't skip unknown words in a joke!).  It warms my heart to see my younger children asking their big brother for help with a word or watch them proudly read a practiced joke to dad after supper. Even better is that the jokes in this joke book were not just read and laughed about, but favorites were memorized to share with grandparents and friends.

The small size of the book makes it great to bring along in the car or to tuck in a bag for entertainment while waiting. This fun collection of jokes would also make a good gift for any joke loving kid in your life.

** I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my unbiased feedback. All opinions are my own. **

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Three Years as a Family of 5

Three years ago yesterday, we stood in a court room together and made promises before a judge.

Three years ago, we had a big backyard party to celebrate we were officially a family of 5 on paper, though our hearts were bound together long before.

So we remember three years ago.

We celebrate being a family of 5 and we help these three celebrate being siblings.

Each year we give them a new game to play together.

So blessed to be entrusted to raise these three here on the gravelly road.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First Day of School 2018

Today is the first day of school for our three kiddos... 4th grade, 2nd grade and 1st grade.  One more year with all three in the elementary school!

It was a dark a rainy morning so first day pictures were inside and quick instead of outside and silly.  Maybe we'll try for a pic of all three after school :)

Ike starts fourth grade today.  He is excited to seeing his friends, especially since his two closest friends are both in his class this year.  This is his last year of elementary school which is hard for this mama's heart.  I'm looking forward to see how God uses his 4th grade year to grow and challenge him.

Zman is starting 2nd grade today.  He was less excited this morning than he had been the last few days counting down to school, but I think that the dark and dreary day had to do with it.  He was really excited about his teacher this year and to see his friends.  I have a feeling God has some big things in store for him in 2nd grade and I can't wait to see him soar.

Peaches starts 1st grade today.  When I woke her up this morning, she immediately sat up and fist pumped the air say "yay the first day of 1st grade!".  She has been counting down to the first day for several weeks and is beyond excited.  I can't wait to see all she learns and grows in first grade.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about their first days when they return home to the gravelly road.

Dear Lord - 

We ask for an extra special blessing on the school year adventure ahead of each of our three children. Each adventure is unique and will be used fore your purposes in their lie, though all three start a new phase today.

Guide their teachers as they give instruction, encouragement, and build the town of their classrooms.  Grand them wisdom for those moments when a child's tears or frustrated words are coming from a deeper hard place than just a tough morning.  May their classrooms be places of learning and inclusion, a safe place to try, fail and try again. 

Watch over our three as they start and strengthen friendships, handle challenges, try new hard things, work through conflict and learn the life lessons you have for them.  Guide their words and actions so that they are kind and compassionate to those around them.  Surround them with friends that bring out their best so that they can build each other up.  Help them to be part of the good and amazing things you are doing in their school.

Thank you again and again for allowing us to parent these precious kiddos.  They are each growing and changing so fast it often takes my breath away.  Continue to grow them into the people you called them to be and help me to help them see how you are working in their lives.
