
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Book Review: The Grumble Free Year by Tricia Goyer

The new book "The Grumble Free Year" by Tricia Goyer follows a year in a large family’s life as they work together to remove the habit of grumbling from their lives and home.

Author Tricia Goyer’s family home may be busier and more complicated than mine ( with two parents, eight kids, and one eighty-eight-year-old grandmother with dementia) but their journey and what God taught them along the way spoke to my heart. 

It was not just about a big goal with a reward for motivation.  It was not just about the “just right” activity, demo, or parenting strategy for the kids to change.  Tricia and her husband John led by example, examining their own hearts first, met their kids where they were, studied God's view of grumbling in the Bible, turned their hearts to more frequently to Jesus, and replaced grumbling with a practice of gratitude.

The authenticity and honesty of their journey recorded in the book, the hard days and weeks that challenged them during the year, and the real-life struggles makes this book relatable.  Their faith shared throughout the book makes it impactful.  I enjoyed reading this book and was encouraged throughout, a perfect read as we get ready for Thanksgiving.

**I was given an early release copy of this book but my words and opinions are my own. **