
Monday, September 18, 2023

Book Review: He Should Have Told the Bees by Amanda Cox

 In Amanda Cox's "He Should Have Told the Bees", readers are introduced to two women living wildly different lives. Beckett is a beekeeper living her dream of a quiet life on the farm with her bees when her father's sudden death forces her to interact with life outside the farm and the chance she might loose everything she holds dear. Callie is a struggling to build a new business, making a life she's dreamed of when her troubled mother asks for financial help that might cost her everything and a man she's never heard of names her in his trust giving her rights to a farm she's never seen.

The author brilliantly weaves the threads of the story together keeping readers hooked as these two women struggle with promises they've made, hurts from their past that come roaring back, and dreams that may or may not every come to be. Life connections are made, horizons broaded and questions are answered.

I enjoyed the colorful characters, especially the supporting ones, the realistic struggles, the wisdom learned and shared, and fullness of the story. As a reader, you quickly realize how the main characters are connected but the author builds the story in the way to keep you reading to find out exactly how all the conflict and doubt will be resolved.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for a review. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.