
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Book Review: Well Said by Sarah Molitor

I just finished listening to an early audio copy of Sarah Molitor's book "Well Said" and I can't wait to get my hands on the physical copy that should arrive in the next day or two so I can dog-ear some pages and underline favorite words of wisdom.

If you have ever struggled with saying more than you meant to, responding with sharper words than was needed, or desire to get better at using life-giving words to build up or pour into others in your life, this book is for you. 

Sarah digs into the impact of our words, both positive and negative, that flow from our mouths but ultimately our hearts, with honesty, wisdom, and authenticity. She encourages readers with honest and imperfect examples from her own life, scripture that guided her, plus advice and habits to better manage the words flowing out of us. She even digs into the impact of words as it applies to the challenges of social media. The author's faith and love shone throughout the book.

I believe this book has something for everyone, no matter where you fall in life's journey of taming the tongue and encouraging others. It held so many great reminders for me, causing me to pause the re-evaluate how I'm doing with my words lately and what I'm modeling for my children as a mother to two teens and a tween whose natural inclination is to let their words fly unfiltered.

Truth, encouragement, and practical help for all of us.