

About Me 
One day my oldest son was playing in his room and came out balancing 5 hats on his head.  Sometimes that is how I feel -- like I'm trying to balance many roles at once.  First and foremost, I am follower of Christ.  I am a wife to my wonderful husband of 14 years.  I am a mother to our 7 yr old son (Ike), a 6 yr old son (Zman) and 5 year old daughter (Peaches).  Until a handful of yrs ago, I also worked as a Systems Analyst for an insurance company.  I'm also a daughter, sister and friend.

My husband and I grew up in small towns but I went to college in the cities so that is where we settled after we married.  Then we moved away from the city to an acreage in a great rural community.  We've been adjusting to a slower pace of life, putting down roots here, as well as travelling the adoption journey the Lord put in front of us.

About the Blog
I'm starting this blog for a number of reasons (I know that probably breaks some good blogging rule). I also want to say up front that I am not a writer. Originally with our move from the cities to a rural area and transitioning from working full time as a programmer to staying home with my oldest, I wanted to be intentional to reflect, to celebrate the funny moments, and to document some of our special times a long the way.  I also use this blog to document our adoption journey and our transition to a family of 5 after adding our two youngest via adoption.

Note:  Its easy as moms to end up with cases of mom-guilt from reading Facebook, reading blogs, or browsing pinterest.  Its also easier as moms to show off only the "best" of our days to the rest of the world.  I pray my blog doesn't cause guilt for others or seem like I'm being one-sided.  Many days we don't do projects.  I record the ones we do primarily because my children will end up spaced apart a bit and I want to remember what projects I enjoyed with my son.  I will try my best to be real about life :)

About the Title
My oldest son used to call our road "the gravelly road" and it is how he knews we are on our way home. He'd ask me, "is this the way to the gravelly road?" I pray our home remains a place where he longs to return with distinctive qualities he remembers.

Contact Me
I always enjoy to hear from those reading my blog.  Feel free to send me a note:  LifeOnGravellyRoad AT hotmail DOT com

Please Note
The content of this blog, including photographs, are the property of the blog and may not be copied or reposted without permission. Feel free to link back to my posts though.  Please contact me if you would like permission to use a photograph or copy text. I'm more than happy to share, but I'd just like to know first.
LifeOnGravellyRoad AT hotmail DOT com