
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Advent Waiting

The season of Advent for me has always been a time focused on to waiting, watching and preparing our hearts to celebrate Christ's birth. Honestly waiting is hard for me. I'm not talking about waiting in line or waiting on hold or waiting for my husband to get home late at night. Its the waiting with an unknown timeline. Waiting for a prayer to be answered, waiting for the right job opportunity, waiting for the house to sell, waiting, waiting, waiting. Even "good waiting" is hard for me, like waiting the 9 months to meet my little boy for the first time. Even though my head knows I'm not in control, part of me would really like life to happen on a set schedule -- something God has had to teach me about over and over again!

Several years ago I heard a tough sermon during Advent -- not about patiently waiting, but celebrating the waiting. Its something I've pondered over and over since... when I really want the waiting to just be over, then how am I celebrating, treasuring the season of waiting? I'm not. I'm sure I've heard this same general idea in sermons many times over, but this particular sermon happened during a very hard season of waiting for me. I remember the pastor greeting us as we left church with a comment about "joyful waiting". I cried all the way home. I was tired of waiting. Waiting is hard.

Our family is entering a new season of waiting this Advent. We are starting the adoption process to add a new child to our family. There will certainly be waiting with an unknown timeline. Sure there will be much praying, paperwork, interviews, trainings, more praying, and more paperwork to help fill the waiting, but we'll still be waiting. We covet your prayers during the waiting, for discernment in the many decisions and peace as we travel on this journey. Help us remember to celebrate the waiting!

(We are still very early in the adoption process. If you'd like to know more, stay tuned to this blog for occasional updates or send us a note.)

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