
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quick Thank You Cards

I know its already the second week of January, but we haven't gotten Christmas Thank You's sent so that was our project yesterday (repeated again today by request).  We intially didn't have a lot of time so I kept it simple.
I printed out "Thank You" and "Thanks" in a variety of fonts and colors and cut them out.
With some help from me, Isaac folded sheets of construction paper in half to make cards.  Then he glued the words all over the fronts of the cards with a glue stick.

He had lots of fun and we now have homemade cards to send to family :)   I sat and wrote inside while he glued so we could talk about what we were saying Thank You for.   It was such a good opportunity to talk about being thankful. 

The amusing part of the project was he kept telling me that he wanted the words to say "job site" and even held the words up to his ear to see if that is what they wanted to be too.  Always keeps me smiling.


  1. Hi! Visiting from Show and Share Sat. LOVE this idea! I too write thank you cards for my children's gifts. This year I found an adorable printable online and then allowed my boys to color on the inside. But I love your idea!thanks for sharing!!

  2. great idea!! And how sweet that he would want them to say Job Site !!!! :D Funny!!!
