
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First Social Worker Meeting

We met the social worker that will be doing our homestudy for the first time yesterday afternoon.  The meeting went well (I was a little nervous as we'd spent 14 hrs in the car the day before, 3 more that morning so we were tired).  She gave us another stack of paperwork to complete.  Most of it won't be too bad, but a few forms will take some thought and prayer.  We also need to go get fingerprinted (at the jail) plus have forms filled out by a physician for all three of us. 

First impressions of our social worker were good.  She's easy talk to and answered our questions.  I appreciate that she's an adoptive mom and has sat where we are 3 times.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was shorter and simpler than I anticipated.  Plus I was treated to Caribou!  (Normally we would have met in her office but the heat was out)

Off to work on paperwork!

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