
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We found instructions for toilet-paper-roll-robots in the Family Fun magazine (March issue) yesterday, so it was our activity today since we didn't have any plans or errands.

Isaac had lots of fun decorating them with the paint, wiggly eyes, construction paper, glue, pipe cleaners, etc.  The magazine included the idea to add a toothpick to the toilet paper roll before painting which helped. 

Only one ended getting painted so we didn't have to wait for them all to dry.  The others were covered with construction paper or foil.

To stay with the Robot theme, we also read the book "Casey Finds a Friend" and later watched the movie "Robots" :)


  1. These turned out great! I've never read that book so I'll have to look it up at the library. Fun ideas!

  2. The Casey the Robot book was from Jason's collection when he was young :)

  3. These are adorable!! I love Family Fun magazine. I haven't gotten my March issue yet. I'm your newest follower. I would like to invite you to share at our Sharing Saturday at Thank you!

  4. My kids love the movie Robots, but we haven't watched it in awhile. We'll have to get it out and do some fun robot crafts. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. How adorable! Just pinned this to our TP Roll Board, and will be making our own robots soon! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi there! Do you mind if I use this in my Ultimate Toilet Roll Roundup? One pic and a link :-)

    Kate from The Craft Train
