
Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Blessings

It has been such a mild winter thus far, its hard to believe February is nearing the end! Though I've thought a few times it would be nice to have a bit more snow (sledding, snowmen building, and beautiful white to cover the brown), I feel so blessed on the timing of this beautiful weather.

If this had been a "normal" MN winter (let's not mention all the snow from last year), we would have been snowed in a number of times and unable to go to the Mom's Group and Gym Time that are so often the highlight of our week. Most likely, some the snow would have fallen when Jason was out of town, meaning I would have had to plow the driveway with the ATV or wait for a neighbor to help dig us out.  Jason's travel home after several days away could have been delayed, causing worry for me and disappointment for a little boy who loves those evenings when he gets to stay up "just a little late" to wait for Daddy's return.  Plus, all this mild weather has meant lots of opportunities for walks and playing outside.

This mild winter has certainly helped with the transition to a rural area and being home full time.  I know many have been impacted, especially those whose business rely on snow, but for me I count this winter a blessing.  Thank You Lord!

1 comment:

  1. I have to laugh that within an hr of posting this, it started snowing :)
