
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: Mom Connection

Image source: Amazon
This post is a first for my little blog -- a book review and a giveaway!  I was given copies of the book Mom Connection: Creating Vibrant Relationships in the Midst of Motherhood by Tracey Bianchi to review and giveaway (see below for more details).  Its the theme book for MOPS this coming year (2012-2013).

Tracey Bianchi successfully gives advice like a friend, honestly sharing what's on her heart, and truly understanding that some days motherhood can be lonely.  She shares great information about life rhythms, relationships, and remembering that the need for connecting with those around you (and the world) doesn't disappear when you become a mom.

I think this book is especially helpful to mom's in a "transition" of any sort -- working to figure out what the rhythm of their "new normal" could look like.  Maybe its a new baby joining the family, maybe all the kids are down to one nap (or less?), another child heading to school, a move, job change, etc.  Or if you're like me -- leaving a full time job to stay home AND moving to a new town where you know only a few people :) 

I appreciated Tracey's honesty about how hard it can be to connect with other moms, especially beyond the "hi, how is it going?" level and the need to be intentional about those connections in order to build  friendships you can rely on.  For me, MOPS was a big help this year when it came to meeting other moms in the community, but I could have been a bit more courageous.  Too often I thought, "Oh they are already busy..." or "I don't know them well enough to ....".  Really I was just nervous.

Each chapter ends with "Five Mom-Tested Tips" to aid in further processing and encouraging you to put into action items from the chapter.   (Of course, they were also great reminders if you happened to have been interrupted 20 times while reading a chapter).   I'm considering reading the book again a bit more slowly, mostly because I didn't give myself enough time to "digest" some of the topics as I had a deadline to get this post finished :)

Giveaway! (Giveaway now closed)
I enjoyed this book and I love that I get to share it with someone!  I have ONE copy of this book to giveaway.  To enter the giveaway, fill out the entry form below.  If for some reason that isn't working, feel free to email me (LifeOnGravellyRoad at hotmail dot com).  The giveaway will end Monday May 14th at 11:59pm.  A winner will be drawn on sometime on Tuesday May 15th and announced on this blog.

(If you see me regularly and like to borrow my copy, please let me know!)

* Disclosure - I was given free books to complete this review.  My opinions are my own.

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