
Friday, June 1, 2012

Its Official: We're Waiting!

We've successfully completed our homestudy process, along with our profile, so we are officially on the list of waiting families with our adoption agency.  While the application, homestudy and profile processes were certainly not easy, I honestly think the waiting will be the hardest part.  There's nothing to "do" and I can't attempt to speed this part up by staying up late working on something.

While we're waiting, we'll continue to prepare to adopt as best we can -- continuing to read adoption related parenting books, finishing the nursery (post to come I'm sure), and most importantly continuing to pray.  God knows exactly who is going to decide to make an adoption plan and pick us to parent their baby.  We pray for them everyday. 

Another thing we've decided to do while we wait is to buy a new children's book each month.  Not all will be adoption related, but at least a book with a message that is important to our family.  I realized so many of our children's books were from garage sales, we have a rather haphazard collection :)  Its a fun "problem" to fix.  (Any recommendations?)

We covet your prayers during this time of waiting, for discernment in decisions and peace as we travel on this journey. Help us remember to celebrate the waiting!

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