
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Homemade Sidewalk Paint -- the fun is in the mess

We've had a sidewalk paint set since Easter -- store bought -- that my son uses for his "painting rock" in the backyard (a large rock near his play set with a flat top and front).  I've wanted to use the paint for other projects outside but it was expensive and running low so we found other things to do.

Then I found homemade sidewalk paint recipes on Northern Cheapskate.  I made the no cook version listed since it was quick.  I'd intended for us to paint tracks so we brought a bunch of trucks, cars, and other vehicles outside along with the paint and containers of water to wash the vehicles.  I also brought a large pad of paper in case the paint worked better on it.

Well, the fun was in the mess! The trucks and tracks were great at first.

Then a foot went in the paint :)  Soon the paint was spilled and footprints were everywhere. 

(and this was only one kid, I can't imagine if you had three or four little ones trying this!)

Then this momma joined in the fun!

I was quite thankful there is only linoleum from the garage to the downstairs bathroom where my son cleaned up in the shower -- he was covered!  It was messy fun!

My only minor complaint is that it doesn't wash off with just rain.  So if you live somewhere where neighbors might comment about bright stains on your driveway (and not on a gravelly road like us), plan on washing it off with water from your garden hose before going inside :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how fun!! I love it!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
