
Friday, August 24, 2012

Transitions Ahead

Fall is Coming...

I'm in denial that summer's end is just around the corner.  This was our truly last "laid back" week.  Next week we have something scheduled several evenings, a meeting, a picnic, and maybe even company coming over Labor Day weekend.

Our fall schedule will look similar to last spring, with one exception:  my ever-growing boy will be attending one morning of church preschool each week.  Add that to MOPS, an ECFE class and Friday gym times, our weeks will be full.  This momma is looking forward to a child-free morning each week and all the new adventures my little boy will have making new friends and learning at preschool.  Prayers for transitions, better morning routines, and a good "first day" experience for my little boy would be appreciated.

I have a bunch of posts in draft mode or in my head that I'd like to write about -- especially adoption related thoughts -- but I've been trying to focus on enjoying summer fun, playing outside and getting a few other projects done. Hopefully more posts will be coming soon.

Until then, we are enjoying life on the gravelly road!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your transition into the new normal. This morning, as I think about teachers and friends with kids going back to school, I switch between thinking that is easier because it is such a clear transition, and thinking of how hard that is going to be! Off on a bus, gone all day!
