
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Appreciating the Now

We've had a string of pretty good weeks here on the Gravelly Road.  Dad's travel schedule has slowed a bit.  We've found a really good groove at home (of course as soon as I post something will change).

I am so thankful for the stage we are at right now.  As much as I'm looking forward to holiday family fun, praying for some news about adoption, longing for a baby in my arms, the "now" is amazing.  A number of times in the last few weeks I've caught myself thinking, if I was also mothering a newborn right now this might not be happening.  Chasing each other back to the house after a walk in the sunset.  Having time to do 3 craft projects in one day (as he requested).  Writing down 2 very silly stories my kiddo made up so he could add pictures to make two books (one about a train crash, the other about a snake). 

Waiting is always hard for me but I don't want to get so consumed with the waiting and worrying that I miss the blessedness of today.  I am forever thankful to be the mom to my amazing little boy.  Sometimes that job itself seems so big.  We are blessed.  Thank you Lord!

In His Time

1 comment:

  1. I pray, too, for adoption news. I'm glad you are in a good groove right now, too.
