
Friday, December 21, 2012

A Felt Play Stovetop

My little boy loves to play with his toy food and little grill.  He really enjoys the toy kitchen at preschool.  I knew he'd love a toy kitchen but didn't want something that would take up so much space.  I found this idea on pinterest.  Inspired, I decided to give it a try.

I bought two sheets of 12" x 18" white felt that was stiffer (not sure what its really called), plus red and black felt.  I traced the black circles for the burners using sour cream container lids.  I traced the same sized circles on the red and drew the "burner curls".  Once I cut one I liked, I traced the rest.  Then I glued it all using my hot glue gun.

The knobs were a challenge.  I really wanted them to turn.  I had visions of putting a hole into plastic lids, attaching them top down with a brad or sewing a button inside maybe, and using a hot glue gun to attach a slightly larger plastic lid right-side-up over top.  I tried to describe this to my husband, and he just gave me a strange look.  Instead he made cute wooden knobs in his shop that could be attached with a bolt and washer :)  Much easier.

I glued a pair of ribbons to one end to allow us to roll/fold it and tie it.  Then I attached the second big sheet of white felt to the bottom to cover the back side of the knobs, etc.

I really enjoyed making something for my son for Christmas!  I can't wait for him to open it.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
