
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Giving an extra hug

Dad and son are creating a mystery lunch in the kitchen, so I sat down to write... keyboard and Kleenex.

I struggle for words after the events on Friday. 

So many little lives lost.  Tragedy in an elementary school.

Tears fill my eyes just thinking about it.

We know so many little friends, nieces and nephews who are 5, 6, 7 or 8.

The pastor at church this morning mentioned that there were pastors discussing whether they should still light the Advent candle this Sunday, often called the candle of Joy, given Friday's events.  What he said next resonated with me.  There will always be suffering in this world.  The Christmas season will always be a tough season in this hurting world for many.  Advent point us to the Savior, to the coming Kingdom instead of this world, and the Joy of the world to come.  And so we light the candle of Joy.  Eternal Joy to give us hope in this hurting world.

Just five Advent seasons past, we lost a little one in a miscarriage, so tiny but yet known by the Father.  There are still Christmas songs that remind me of that pain. 

I can't even begin to fathom all those parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends who are struggling with such a huge painful loss from Friday.  A school and community that will never be the same.  I hope they know so many are praying for them.  I pray they feel the Father's arms wrapped around them, knowing He holds them as they weep, and hears the prayers of their hearts when they are without words.

So I give my precious boy extra hugs this weekend, like so many other parents, with tears filling my eyes. 

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