
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A "practice birthday" and lots of birthday prep

We were blessed this weekend to have my in-laws visit, who also brought along one of our nephews.  An early birthday cake, presents, time outside in the snow, and lots of good food.  The cousins had so much fun playing together all weekend long. 

This week is flying by, mostly due to prep for this weekend's birthday party, though we've also had family pictures taken.  We had fun "recycling" some broken crayon into lego crayons (I'll post more about this later).  Today we also made cupcakes for the birthday boy to bring to his preschool class.

Still on the to-do list include fun things like creating a "pin the head on the lego person" game, decorating a cake, wrapping presents, some cleaning and other cooking.  I'll be sure to post pictures from our family birthday gathering and more details on the lego birthday theme.

For now, good night from the gravelly road :)

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