
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy Fourth Birthday!

Happy birthday to my special boy!  It has been a fun and eventful year. 

It has been such a blessing to watch you grow this year, so much less of a little boy now than you were a year ago.  Your stories, questions and responsibilities have grown by leaps and bounds. 

Some highlights of your year as a 3 year old, as told by Mom include:
* You continue to amaze me with your imagination and the adventures you make up when you play. It is such a joy to listen to you tell me about all the crazy things your toys are doing -- even if it is about bad guys and meat eaters, or pirates and crocodiles.

* You are always listening and often pondering.  Its not uncommon for you to ask me questions about a bible story from preschool or Sunday School or something we read or you heard days later.

* You've become a nature observer, which is so much fun. We often go for "adventures" in the "forest" looking for footprints or carefully watching for all sorts of creatures.  Watching the deer in the backyard at dusk, catching frogs and watching for turtles are all fun memories appreciating God's creation.

* You are learning what it means to be responsible -- you now have daily chores and you do a great job taking care of Ratchet.  He especially loves that you never forget to give him his puppy treat!

* You did lots of learning and growing at an early childhood classes last spring and this fall.  You loved "Story Adventures" and "Little Learners", always so excited to go.  It was wonderful to have that special time to play together.

*   We had so much fun travelling as a family this year, and you have become a great little traveler.  We took a weekend trip to Duluth in the spring, and you loved seeing the huge boats in the harbor.  We were able to camp more often this summer, which you enjoyed, especially telling stories by the fire.  Our big trip was to California, to Disney --  the plane ride, meeting characters, your first roller coaster, and playing in the ocean.

* You started preschool one day a week this fall and you've done a great job making new friends, learning new ideas, learning to write your name, and you even know what your "school voice" is.

*  You are waiting for the day you'll become a big brother.  Waiting is hard when you're 3 (well its hard when you're over 30 too) but I love that you continue to ask about and remind me of "when a baby comes to our family".

Dad and I love you so much and pray your year as a 4 year old is full of new adventures, special memories together, lots of learning, and the experiences that will continue to mold you into the young man God intends for you to be someday.

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