
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Watercolor Thank You Notes

water color and white crayons

After a full and wonderful birthday, I wanted to be intentional with helping my son say "Thank You".  Last year we made some quick thank you notes together, but I wanted to try something new this year.

So about a week ago while he was busy with something else, I took a white crayon and wrote "Thanks" and "Thank you" a number of times on a white drawing paper.  Then I got out his water colors and had him come over.  I told him there was a secret message for him to find :)

As he painted and told me all the letters he was finding.  Once he had a word uncovered completely (he was kind of working all over the paper at first), we read through the letters and identified the word.  Then I explained that I wanted him to keep painting and find all the "Thanks" and "Thank you" messages so we could send them to everyone who came to his birthday party.  He thought is was a great idea and went to work (as I wrote "Thanks" on a second sheet with the white crayon).

After the paint was dry, I let him use one of my scrapbook scissors (a big deal to him) to cut out the words.  He did the first handful and I did the rest while he glued them on colored paper folded to be cards.  Then we talked about all the people who helped make his birthday special while I wrote in each thank you note.

A fun way to say to "Thanks"!


  1. Wow, I love this idea! Just pinned it and can't wait to try it with my son. Thanks so much!

  2. Oh, I love this idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
