
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend Photo Overload

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Easter with family.  It is such a blessing to live close enough to be able to spend time with extendeed family over a weekend.

Saturday was the big egg hunt, though not as big as some years with some nieces and nephews unable to join the fun.  My silly boy found a pair of binoculars in the playhouse and decided they were necessary for searching for eggs :)
Of course there was plenty of other fun on Saturday -- riding trike, blowing bubbles, rides on the tire swing and a visit to a relatives' farm to see the baby pigs.  It was a beautiful day so we spent a lot of it outside -- there wasn't even any snow on the ground!
Sunday after church, my kiddo did a special treasure hunt put together by Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt.  Each map led to a different map until he found his Easter present.  He was soooo excited.

So blessed to be able to celebrate the joy of our Risen Lord with a weekend full of fun memories.

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