
Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Minute Fridays: Jump

I'm trying something new this week.  I'm participating in Five Minute Fridays hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging brave women to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  It's rather scary, now that I think about it I'd rather be writing computer code, but oh well.  I guess its appropriate then that today's prompt is JUMP.


It happens almost every day.  I spot my 4 year old poised, ready to jump.  From the 3 stairs up.  From the couch.  From the top of a large boulder in the back yard.  Almost every time, my worry-wart mommy voice kicks in -- be careful, please get down, not so high!

But yet, I want him to learn to be brave.  To know when is the right time to jump in.  To try something new, to stand up for someone be bullied, to be the friend to the lonely class mate.  I don't want my mommy worry-wart voice ringing in his head when it should be encouraging him.  How do I help this little one of mine learn to make wise choices if I don't let him have his own failures when he's young?  (even if it might end up with bumps and bruises, or an urgent care visit)  Where is that balance?

There are days I long for his ability to jump.  I try to follow his lead.  Talking to the mom at the playground that I've never met as our children happily play together.  Setting up playdates with his friends that he asks to do so often.  Reaching out, speaking up, trying new things, throwing caution to the wind.  Maybe he's really the one teaching me, encouraging me to take the next JUMP.


Five Minute Friday


  1. Great post! So difficult to find that balance. Keep on keepin' on!

  2. Loved the post. Stopping by from % Minute Friday....because I loved the name of your blog.
