
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Ponderings

I was blessed today with a some moments to myself, time to slow down and ponder a bit.  And write a little.  A busy, full day like today is even better if I can slow down to remember. 

Remember all the blessings God has poured on my life.  Remember that even when this job of Mom feels so huge, so overwhelming, that He is always there, strength in my weakness, ready to pour grace and love into my life so I can pour grace and love into my son's. 

Remember that I'm not walking this journey alone.

Remember all the ways my mom impacted and continues to impact my life, my mothering, and pours out love on us.  Remember my mother-in-law and all she does, specifically how her mothering impacted my husband, who I think is pretty wonderful.  Remember my grandmas (and great-grandmas) who blessed and continue to bless me so much. 

Remember all the other women God placed in my life as blessings, who touch my life and my mothering -  women from church growing up, from small group, mothers of junior high kids when we were youth group volunteers, friends who became mothers before me, friends who are mothering alongside me in the trenches.

Remember my first Mother's Day as a mom.

Remember other past Mother's Days.

And take the time to store up a few special moments from today.... to remember,
and then thank God again for the blessing of being a mother.

Please join me in praying for those who find Mother's Day a tough day this year.  I remember how hard this day was when I was waiting, aching to be a mom.  Remember those who have lost their mother or a child.  Those who have made an adoption plan for their baby.  Those who are struggling with infertility or lost a pregnancy.  Those who are still waiting to become a mother.  Those who don't have children but have chosen to use their love to bless other children in their lives.


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Krista! I thought of you today a few times. I'm thankful you have Isaac. I'm praying for the baby who will join your family, and patience while you wait.

  2. I'm coming over from Mom's Mustard Seeds. I love how you took the time to remember all the mom's out there who might have been struggling for one reason or another on this day.

  3. YOU have captured the beauty of being a Mom - the blessings and the truth of where our strength comes from! Thank you for linking up - and sharing truth and beauty about motherhood!

  4. Hi Krista, I'm visiting from Mom's Mustard Seeds too. Can I pinch the cheeks of your cutie son? (Just kidding) Go Moms!
