
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More silly things he says...

While at the 4th of July parade, my kiddo noticed all the "Little Miss" and "County Princess" type floats and declared, "Look!  All the princesses came out of their castles to be in the parade."

"Someday I want to catch a deer so I can measure it up to Daddy and see who is taller."  This was followed with a long conversation on how he thought he was going to catch and tame a deer (with mostly carrots) so it would stand still long enough...

One evening he was sitting at his little table and said,
"Mom I'm writing a rule book....
Always stick together.
Follow the rules.
Never say Hos-sit-tality.  Its a mean, mean word."
(the next day I found out they had talked about hospitality at VBS, apparently he missed something)

*Big Yawn* "I'm not tired. That wasn't a real yawn.  It was just my alarm clock yawn to make sure I'm awake."

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