
Friday, August 9, 2013

Five Minute Fridays: Lonely

Five Minute Fridays is hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This weeks prompt is Lonely.


Surrounded by my messy house and the constant chatter of our 4 year old, it hits me... loneliness.  Like a rock sinking in the pond.  Husband out of town for most of the week.  A schedule mostly empty of plans.  I enjoy the time of just the two of us, my son and I, the simple rhythm of being home.  But sometimes the day gets long... and lonely.  For some reason so often I hesitate to reach out, to call a friend, to make more plans.

We've been here in this place long enough, I know this feeling isn't so deep.  New friendships are going stronger.  Wonderful conversations over iced coffees or over the sounds of loud children playing or both.  We know the community better, connections being made, slowly roots are growing deeper. 

I take a deep breath and find our shoes.  We grab the extra loaf of banana bread on the counter and walk over to the neighbor's.  Warm smiles, catching up, chocolate, friendship across generations, and often a bag of garden fresh green beans.


Take a minute to visit Lisa-Jo's site and read some of the amazing posts others have put together on the prompt.  Or take 5 minutes and join in!

Five Minute Friday


  1. Hi Krista,
    Coffee with a friend across generations, and a bag of garden beans sounds wise of you to reach out...Nice linking up behind you at FMF.

  2. This is great. You captured the feeling so well.
