
Friday, August 2, 2013

The summer fun keeps going

We've been busy and having lots of summer fun.  The weather has been beautiful lately as well, so lots of time outside and no time writing, but that's fine by me :)

Tball is over and he just finished up his second week of swimming lessons (he passed!).
summer swimming lessons

We've been to the beach at a local lake, playdates with two different friends involving sprinklers, water balloons and other water fun.  Even celebrated a friend's birthday party at the movie theater.  We also walked in a parade with our MOPS friends.

Tuesday we used a kit he'd gotten earlier this summer to make a stepping stone.  I think it turned out great!
kids stepping stone kit

Plus Wednesday we were blessed by a wonderful visit from my sister (Is he being camera shy or telling secrets?)

At home, we've been just playing more than attempting projects.  To keep things interesting, we've tried a few different things --
  • Bowls of ice and water in the sandbox
  • Water balloon target practice on the driveway
  • Playdoh outside
  • Set up a toy truck and car wash
  • Stopping to play at parks that are new to us
  • Exploring all sorts of new toys inside and outside (really Dad's old toys from Grandma's but new to our kiddo)

As August begins, we are going to keep treasuring each day of summer as it comes.  In fact we still have a few more things on our "Summer Bucket" list to complete.

1 comment:

  1. Love the stepping stone! We still have a lot on our Summer fun list, too! Good thing our school year doesn't' start until we say so! ;-)
