
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bible Stories by the Four Year Old

Today was Sunday School kickoff at church.  Thankfully he had much more fun at kickoff this year than he did at last year's kickoff.  It got me thinking about his first year of Sunday School last year...

He really enjoyed Sunday School (and the Bible Story time at MOPS and preschool) and he loved VBS this summer, which is a big blessing.  I tended to be surprised though by what piece of the stories he latched onto.  We never knew what we'd hear when we ask him what they learned about...  Here's four of our favorites:

"the story about guys with dirty feet" -- Jesus washing the disciples' feet

"the one about the guy who ate bugs"  -- John the Baptist

"the story about Jesus's friends who kept taking naps" -- Praying at the Garden

"the story about the bush that just didn't want to burn up"  --  Moses and the burning bush

Another fun memory:  Around Christmas time we were singing "Away in the Manger" to practice for the Christmas program and he stops mid-verse -- "Mom, why was there no room? Why did they have to stay in a stable? I think they should have gone camping. That sounds better."

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