
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Garden Update - Fall

corn squash pumpkin sunflowers garden

Its been cooler here the last week and fall is clearly making its presence known in our garden.  I think the sunflowers have been my favorite lately.  I've loved looking out my window to see the splashes of color in my garden.  I even picked a few small sunflowers to bring in kitchen

We picked the sweet corn a couple weeks ago -- very cute small ears, about 1.5 dozen.  I think we need to make sure to plant it earlier next year :)  Tomatoes were doing great until a deer decided to jump the fence and finish the rest of them off for us.  I guess we just need to learn to share... Our watermelon plants have made a late growth surge and now we have 2 small watermelons (softball size).  I doubt they will be big enough to ripen by the end of the season but it was a fun surprise after thinking they were a complete flop.  We continue to have more zucchini than we know what to do with.  Squash, pumpkins, and carrots are still doing great. 

We cooked up our last batch of green beans this weekend and I've been doing lots of baking with the zucchini.  Our apple trees will be ready soon but in the mean time I have 2 boxes of apples from my in-laws apple trees to cook with.  We made apple chips already this week and apple crisp is on the menu for tomorrow.  Also decided to make some squash bake the other night as I realized we still had some squash in the freezer from last year :)  Between the cooking and the sunflowers I picked, I guess fall has reached my kitchen as well.

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