
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A boy, fall colors, a tree and another year gone

This is the third fall that I've tried to take a photo of my kiddo in the same spot during the peak of fall colors.  This year he did not want his photo taken but we got it done.  Here's the two previous years.  He is no longer standing on the rock because he's gotten too tall and you couldn't see his face.  This year the chickens kept trying to get in the photo (in fact I had to crop rooster tail feathers out of this shot before posting).

young boy near fall colors tree

To keep with the comparisons in last year's post... this year his dresser is full of 4/5 boys shirts (no more toddler sizes) and 5T or 4/5 pants.  Everyday his imagination and the ideas he comes up with amaze me.  The other day in the car he was trying to explain to me his new idea for how to invent a better hitch system so "you can hook up trailers extra speedy". 

What an amazing blessing to watch how God is growing him into the boy He's planned.

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