
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are enjoying a wonderful visit with our extended family.  Today was filled with the blessings of an overabundance of delicious food, special time with relatives, games of dominoes, checkers, Uno and Hiss, more food and plenty of laughter.

Happy Thanksgiving

There are still some family events on our schedule, including a second Thanksgiving gathering, so lots more food to eat and visiting to do.  We are blessed to be able to see both sides of our family in one weekend :)

On this last Thankful Thursday of the month, I'm thankful for the blessing of our family.  Not just the amazing blessing of our family of 3, but also our parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles.  Our extended family supports, encourages, prays for us and walks alongside us on this journey of life.  We are also thankful for all those friends who are a close as family.  We are so immensely blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love us!

Praying that you and your family have enjoyed a time of giving thanks today on Thanksgiving and a wonderful weekend ahead. 

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