
Friday, December 6, 2013

Five Minute Fridays: Reflect

Its been a while but I'm participating in Five Minute Fridays again this week hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker, encouraging bloggers to write on a prompt unedited for five minutes.  This weeks prompt is Reflect


It takes intention, slowing down, and pausing to reflect.

The daily habit of recording moments of thankfulness last month encouraged me to reflect more frequently, remembering the beautiful moments, the blessings, when days can end in such exhaustion.

But an idea has been bouncing around in my head since my series of thankful posts.  One that requires some additional reflection.

Am I thankful for the waiting? 
Am I taking the time to notice how God is working in the wait? 
Do I see the beauty of this journey, while I'm on it, instead of only seeing it when its done?

I admit, I'd love nothing more than to have our adoption wait to be done.  To have some amazing and wonderful news to share.  But I know God is working in the waiting.

I'm seeing my journaling change.  My prayers change.  My heart change.  Small changes, little by little, only seen when I slow down and look back.  Reflect.

I see our marriage strengthening, so many hard discussions about decisions and what ifs, walking a tough road together, supporting each other each time another "no yet" is sent our way.  Family stepping out to pray for us, support us, wait with us.  Friendships growing through prayers and conversations.  Roots going deeper in our community.  All while we wait.

I see my son changing.  Yes he's growing older, but its more than that.  He's seeing his parents pray for the same thing, over and over, seeing us wait.  He's gone from saying "Someday when a baby comes to our family" to "Someday when God sends a baby to our family".  He sees how we are not in control of this, how we work to prepare him for this unknown.  Just yesterday he asked, "Mom, what if God sends a new little brother or sister to our family after Christmas... what if instead of one baby, there's twins!  What if it happens on my birthday!  Wouldn't that be the best!"

Would I choose the wait?  No.  But I am not in control.

I am thankful for the work that God is doing during our wait.

So yes, then I guess I am thankful for the wait.


Five Minute Friday


  1. Beautiful reflection tonight...He does so much while we're waiting, even though it's definitely not easy! Blessings and peace to you during this time. :) Have a wonderful weekend, friend!

  2. What a blessing your words are to me tonight, as I wait. We are all waiting for something in our lives. Thankful to have visited to gain some much needed perspective on God's work in the waiting period. Wishing you comfort and strength while you wait for your new family addition. Hugs! <3

    1. Glad my words blessed you :) Thanks for taking the time to comment. It means a lot.

  3. Dear Krista,

    I enjoyed reading through your FMF post and your thoughts about adoption. My prayers are with you. I have a dear friend who adopted a sibling group of 4 from Poland, and she has a wonderful adoption blog, if you'd like to check it out:

    Visiting from FMF.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and the blog recommendation. I'm enjoy reading adoptive mom blogs! So thoughtful.
