
Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Family Christmas Letter 2013

As we pause to reflect on 2013, we are amazed by the wonderful memories and special blessings that filled our year. Here is a collection of the highlights and memories, big and small:
§ We started the year with Isaac celebrating his 4th birthday with a Lego party
§ In February, Jason and Krista enjoyed a trip to Dallas while Isaac had fun with grandparents.
§ Krista's grandpa passed away and the extended family gathered to say good-bye and celebrate his life.  He will be missed, especially as the holiday season grows near.
§ This past spring we added chickens to our acreage which has been quite interesting for the whole family.  We are certainly enjoying the fresh eggs every day!
§ Summer was filled with family fun of all sorts: several camping trips, boating, gardening, Isaac’s first season of Tball, swimming lessons and enjoying the great outdoors together.
§  We also enjoyed  a long weekend away at a cabin/resort with Krista's family.
§ Our family had a wonderful 4th of July holiday, especially at Jason’s grandpa’s 80th birthday celebration party which included more fireworks.
§ Isaac is thriving at preschool again this year. He has so much fun and enjoys learning with his new friends.  We can't believe he will be in kindergarten next year!
§ In the fall, Krista had an amazing weekend away with a several moms from her MOPS group as they traveled to the national convention in Kansas City.
§ After Christmas, we will be celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary.  We are blessed to have each other on this journey of life God has set before us.

We continue to wait and pray for our family to grow through adoption.   We are forever thankful for the prayers and support of family and friends as we continue on this journey. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.
May your holidays be filled with special memories and time spent with loved ones as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  May God bless your family in the coming year.

Thanks for reading this little blog of our Life on the Gravelly Road.

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