
Monday, February 24, 2014

A Week of Summer (vacation photo overload)

We returned home on Sunday after spending a week in Florida... escaping the winter for a week of sunshine and 80 degree weather.  It didn't bother me a bit that we completely missed a big storm at home. 

We didn't visit theme parks... at all.  Even though we were in Orlando for part of the trip.  We visited Disneyland a little over a year ago and we wanted to do something else.  Plus my husband had a work convention down there (the reason for scheduling the trip) so he would have missed out on any theme park fun.  Instead our goal was relaxing and escaping winter.  I think we accomplished that!

We loved spending time with extended family that were also down there, playing at the beach and in the pool with our kiddo, and of course enjoying the warm weather.

We went to the beach twice, once at Lover's Key which was a great place to find sea shells and then again near Fort Myers Beach to watch a sunset.

Speaking of sunsets, we also took a sunset cruise which was lots of fun.  We even saw a dolphin swim near the cruise boat, though no photo proof I'm afraid.

Another favorite was visiting some nature preserves with great walking trails.  We saw an alligator (far away from the trail with binoculars though the kiddo didn't spot it), wild hogs and so many beautiful birds at Six Mile Cyprus Preserve and then saw a few manatees at Manatee Park.

Every day also included time in the pool -- one of the advantages in staying with my wonderful in-laws.

At the end of the week, we spent some special time with Dad at his convention which happened to also have a kids hang out with bouncy houses and was at a hotel with a ship and alligators inside... our 5 year old was impressed!

It was a great trip but we are very glad to be home on our gravelly road.

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