
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Celebrating progress - home improvement style

I'm a list maker.  I love marking things off my list.  Sometimes I add things to my list just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off.

With large projects, I know I handle them much better if I can identify sub-tasks to "cross off" and celebrate.

So with our current home remodel, I'm trying to do the same.  I'm trying to understand all the steps/parts so I can better celebrate the progress being made ("crossing it off the list")... especially when you can't "see" a change (ie. 3 rounds of mudding and sanding the new walls).

We are far from done but here's some of the exciting progress.

All the new windows are all in.  The siding is just about complete on the front and partway on the back.  Hopefully the construction crew will be back soon (now that its a bit warmer) and finish up the back of the house.  Check out the transformation:
exterior home updates
So thankful that all the snow is now gone!

There are quite a few steps of interior work for the new windows, especially the bay windows we added and windows where the opening size changed.  These changes are well on their way.  The big bay window in our living room is one I'm most excited about.

The other big changes are happening in the main level family room.  The new wall is in, splitting the formerly long room in half to form a smaller family room and an office.  The new fireplace and surround are in, new lighting, ceilings in both rooms painted, and walls in the living room painted.  The flooring will be going in soon and the mantel is almost ready to be installed too.  (The office has a long ways to go, but we are working hard to get the living room done soon).  Still very much in progress but take a look...
remodel progress pictures
Its hard to see the size of the now smaller family room as the pics aren't quite the same angle.
Basically the window in the top and bottom left pics is the same spot.  
The lower right pic is the room that will be office on the other side of the new wall.

Lots of hard work has been done, with lots still ahead, but we will keep celebrating the progress here on the Gravelly Road, one completed task at a time.

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