
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Last Day of Preschool

While it seems spring just [finally] made its arrival, its already the last day of preschool for our kiddo.  So hard to believe.  Last week was the family open house to celebrate the end of the year and yesterday I helped with the class party at the park.  After school today, we are celebrating by going out for ice cream (a pretty yummy tradition if you ask me).

It is hard to wrap my mind around how much he's grown up since he started attending preschool, originally just one morning a week 2 yrs ago.  He's been blessed with wonderful teachers, great friends and so many fun memories.  While this momma's heart isn't ready to send him off to kindergarten yet (oh summer days, please go slowly), I know he's ready and excited.

Here's a pic from this morning, holding this year's first day of school picture:
celebrating the last day of school

And for fun, looking back to his very first day of preschool:
celebrating last day of school

So let the summer fun commence here on the Gravelly Road.

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