
Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Very Full (Mother's Day) Weekend

I was pondering whether to make this purely newsy, photo full post about our weekend or more reflective about mother's day.  Well, I went back to last year's Mother's Day post... it states so well how I feel this Mother's day as well so I will not try to replicate it :)  I do need to add this years Mother's day photo to compliment all the ones I posted last year:
mother's day

The rest of the weekend...

Friday was full of the "normal" activities though it was the last Open Gym (aka "stop by and play") for the year at the preschool.  It has been our Friday morning staple since we moved here -- a place we've met friends, gotten some exercise running around during long winter months, and had so many laughs.  Since he will be in kindergarten next year, its our last open gym for now.

Saturday morning our kiddo played at a friend's house while we went to a 3 hr long adoption training.  (I hope to do a post soon with a more detailed adoption update).  This particular training while informative was very long...

As soon as we were done, we loaded up the vehicle and camper to spend the rest of the weekend away.  We headed to a cousin's graduation party and then camped at a state park nearby.  We ended up pretty lucky on the weather, not too cold and only a little rain.  Grandparents and a few cousins stopped by for supper which was lots of fun (trip to the playground, bike rides, lawn darts and visiting).  And of course there were s'mores and a campfire.

Sunday morning we did some hiking before packing up.  We enjoyed the fun bridges on the trails...

While it was a great weekend away, it was nice to get home on Sunday and spend some time just us, to catch up and get ready for the new week.

So Happy Be-lated Mother's Day from our family on the Gravelly Road.

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