
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Extended Family Weekends

This is our first weekend at home in a while due to some wonderful extended family gatherings over the last few weeks.  I'm a bit behind in blogging though so instead of a big post about each (with lots of pics), I'm just going to share a little -- too many pics to go through from all the fun.

The last weekend in May we traveled to celebrate a grandma's 80th birthday party.  It was going to be an outdoor BBQ and pool party (great-grands were excited) but pouring rain during most of the party tried to spoiled the fun.  The party was moved indoors and there was still lots of fun had by all.  The kids even ended up able to do a little swimming toward the end of the gathering.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone and ate way too much delicious food.  I think a good time was had by all!
enjoying extended family get togethers

Then last weekend, we spent a long weekend at a family reunion.  Everyone stayed in cabins next to each other at a resort on the lake, with meals rotating between cabins, game nights, swimming, boat rides, kids crafts, and so many memories.  The weather was gorgeous and it was so fun to spend time with so much extended family that we don't get to see often enough.  I took a ridiculous amount of pics over the weekend and just starting to really sift through them all.  Here are a few of my favorites:
family reunion fun

We have one more big family gathering yet this summer to look forward to.  We are so blessed to be able to spend time with our extended family!

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