
Thursday, June 5, 2014

The beginnings of another garden

beginning of a garden

Summer is here and our garden is growing!  I'll try to do a few posts about our garden again this year as its always fun to "see" the garden grow.  We have new residents in our garden birdhouse, a pair of blue birds (I think) who even posed to have their picture taken.

I started some seedlings inside mid April (when the remodel project started winding down).  Our new bay window is a wonderful place to start a few seedlings.

We started the outside garden earlier this year than previous which was helpful.  My husband tilled the garden before Mother's Day, and we started planting the following week and weekend.  The beans, snap peas, squash, cucumber, zucchini, and of course sunflowers are up.  I think I spotted a watermelon seedling too.  The carrots are just starting to appear and the lettuce is still MIA.  I also bought some tomato plants, pepper plants and an eggplant (just to try).

I'm not sure if I spilled some seeds, had more washout than I thought off a few of my squash or cucumber hills or had something leave behind seeds last year, but I have what appear to be cucumber or squash growing in several strange places in the garden.  We will have to wait and see.  Of course I have cilantro coming up again -- planted it once 2 yrs ago and its reseeded ever since.  I only save a few plants but its always a surprise to see where they show up!

Not truly garden related, but the little chickens have their own outside coop now.  My handy husband built it in an afternoon!  (Can you spot the left over siding supplies?)  While the two groups of chickens tolerate each other during the day in the yard (mostly by avoiding each other), the young ones are not big enough to fend for themselves when penned with the larger birds.  This will work for now.
small chicken coop

Do you garden?  What is your favorite thing to grow?

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