
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fourth of July 2014

We had a wonderful holiday weekend, with lots of time with family.  Of course we didn't get to see everyone we'd hoped to but it was still a full and blessed weekend.  I did get to hold our brand-new niece for the first time -- I facilitated her afternoon nap while my kiddo played with her older sisters :)

Most of the weekend's activities centered around the big family reunion -- aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins visiting from Texas, East Coast, St. Louis, Chicago, Alabama and plenty of places in between.  In some ways it was a bittersweet reunion... the first time we've all been together since we said good-bye to Grandpa, celebrating his favorite holiday and creating family memories just the way he'd want us to.

There was a big picnic at my parents' with yard games and visiting.  There was some rain which moved the last part of the gathering to the garage but it didn't damper the fun or converstaion, at least until the mosquitoes found us.
4th july picnic

Then the next day there was a big 3 generation family softball game, kickball, crazy relays (egg/spoon race, tire roll, a balloon race, tug-a-war, and 3-legged race to name a few), and other outside fun.  And true to family tradition, there was even root beer floats to cool down in between.  The "unplanned activity" that I ended up with many pictures of was balancing/walking on the very large spool.  The softball and games created lots of memories, laughs and helped us make the most of the beautiful weather -- and it was certainly entertaining to those who decided to remain spectators!
family reunion games

Later that evening, the kids enjoyed sparklers, a few lanterns were sent soaring, and then we enjoyed some fireworks, Grandpa's favorite.

It was such a blessing to see the next generation creating wonderful memories on the family farm.
family farm

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