
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple Time

Last weekend we declared it apple picking time here on the Gravelly Road. Our apples were ready and needed to be picked. Several windy days had already knocked quite a few to the ground. Since our main tree only has a heavy crop every other year and this was an off year, it was only an afternoon job to pick and sort the apples.  It was a bit chilly but we had fun in the sunshine.

fall apple fun
Between our apples and two boxes from my wonderful in-laws, we have plenty to enjoy.  The dehydrator has been running almost daily making apple chips, plus several batches of apple sauce and apple butter in the crockpot.  Of course there's been some apple crisp and ice cream a few times too.

Apple smells filling our home reminds me its definitely fall.  Treasuring each day of life here on the gravelly road.

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