
Monday, October 27, 2014

More Fall Leaves and Carving Pumpkins

My parents came to visit this past weekend.  They arrived just as Dad and kiddo finished creating a leaf pile "as tall as he was" as he requested.  Of course Grandpa immediately scooped him up and dropped him into the pile.  I grabbed my camera as a leaf fight ensued.

large leaf pile

Grandpa, Dad and kiddo were tasked with buying some pumpkins on Saturday (while my mom and I shopped) but we didn't get a chance to carve them until after Grandpa and Grandma left.  We only carved two of the three, as one got a bit complex.  We did manage to roast the seeds which our kiddo enjoyed trying.  Monday morning before school he wanted to eat breakfast by Jack-o-lantern Light.

I'll try to post again after Halloween with costume pics.  Last we discussed it, he said he was going to wear his ninja costume.  His class is having a fall party but with no costumes which disappointed him.  Hopefully we'll have good weather on Friday!

Fall is cruising by and we are getting ready for Halloween here on the Gravelly Road.

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