
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Letter to our Future Child (Oct 2014)

I realize its been a while since I've posted a letter from my journal.  Here's one from a few weeks ago.

Dear Little One,

The trees in our yard are turning all shades of yellows, reds and oranges and we are enjoying a beautiful and busy fall.  Big brother has started kindergarten now so mommy's days are so much quieter.  I look forward to the day you join our family and fill our house with even more noise.  Something tells me that Big Brother plus a younger sibling will be more than twice as noisy as now :)

As we jump in leaves, pick apples, get ready for Halloween and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, we think of you often and hope to meet you soon...

Each day is one day closer.

~Your praying and hopeful Mommy

hoping to adopt waiting adoptive family

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