
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday (week 3)

Another Thankful Thursday here on the Gravelly Road...

* For a weekend at home together as a family.  With the holidays just around the corner, a weekend at home without a lot on our to-do list is something to appreciate!

* My husband's mechanic skills... even though that is no longer his career, he continues to bless our family with these talents.  Over the weekend he changed the oil in my car and discovered some service that needs to be done.  He saves us so much money by taking the time to do it himself.

* Being able to help out a friend who has done so much for me over the last few years.

* A fun after school trip to the library.  We don't get there as often as we did over the summer, but coming up with a stack of good books leads to an afternoon of snuggling on the couch reading -- perfect for the wintery weather.

* Serving together -- Kiddo and I attended a Food4Kidz event packing nutritionally complete food for children overseas to help in a small way to help hunger.  Events with this organization and others like are so well organized that its amazing how many meals in a short amount of time.

* For our extended family and that our son knows his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins well.  My husband and I are both blessed to still have our parents with us and 3 sets of grandparents (our son's great-grandparents).  As I wrote a sympathy card for a friend who lost her father so suddenly this week, I'm reminded what a big blessing this is.

Today I am Grateful

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