
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas (belated) and Excited about the New Year

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Praying you have a happy and healthy New Year!

So, I took an unplanned break from blogging this month :)  December is always busy with getting ready for Christmas and this year was no exception.  But we've also had some adoption things happening at the same time...

And our son has some news to share (enjoy the kindergarten inventive spelling):
"I'm getting a little brother and little sister."

We are working to adopt siblings (age 4 and 3).  We're in the "get to know each other phase" and working to figure out what this transition will look like.  They are so precious and we are head over heels in love.  There's not a lot more I can share in this public space :)  It looks to be that 2015 will be an exciting, challenging and wonderful year as we figure out how Life on the Gravelly Road works as a family of 5!


  1. I am so super excited for you guys! What a wonderful Christmas for you and your family! I can't wait to hear more about all of your exciting adventures!

  2. Wonderful news! I am so excited for your family! I will pray for God's will to be done. We can't get anything better than that!

  3. This is so exciting. Wishing you a smooth transition!

  4. Oh, so excited for you guys! Congratulations!
